Success is...

Design donated by Jess Larsen #ArtToTheRescue #ChildRescue      photo: Todd Quackenbush (please re-post or pin)

Design donated by Jess Larsen #ArtToTheRescue #ChildRescue      photo: Todd Quackenbush (please re-post or pin)

Working to help rescue so many children being harmed around the world as well as right here in our backyard can absolutely lead to a "loss of enthusiasm" depending on our focus.

If we focus on the stats and the horror stories it's likely.

If see the one, the individual child who's life our efforts could forever change, then it's all worth it and it becomes easy to push through the failures.

With your support we can save more. Please consider donating to our next mission which we have intelligence showing children as young as 5 are being held.

Help a child today: donate