We are committed to saving children and saving lives. We fight child exploitation through educational programs, law enforcement trainings, and undercover rescue missions.
- Our Mission -
Combat child trafficking & exploitation.
Since 2009, we have led efforts to give children the childhood they deserve. We bring children to safety and criminals to justice. We also provide important aftercare programs to facilitate victim recovery and end the vicious cycle of child trafficking.
Our efforts to combat child exploitation include undercover rescue missions, survivor aftercare orphanages, law enforcement trainings, and youth prevention campaigns.
We are fortunate to collaborate with a great team volunteers, survivors who want to give back, and experts from the special operations and intelligence community.
Through our successes we've been able to influence lawmakers and raise awareness of the epidemic of child trafficking, so we can end it once and for all.
We have combat child sex exploitation through four main initiatives:
1 ) We identify trafficking rings, and fund and conduct rescue missions with a coalition of highly-trained and experienced partners.
2 ) We develop training sessions for law enforcement agencies around the country, to raise awareness of child trafficking, and how to effectively combat it.
3 ) We have a run youth prevention and empowerment program, Backyard Broadcast, we educated young people about the dangers and patterns of trafficking.
4 ) Through our website, blog, social media, and community events, we provide information about child sex exploitation and human trafficking to continue to raise awareness, and highlight preventative measures.
BACKYARD BOARDCAST : Our youth education and prevention campaign is called the "Backyard Boardcast". It is for youth by youth chapters at high school across Utah. The kids partner with their local police department and run education programs about local children who have been trafficked and how to recognize and avoid being targeted. Between ten to twenty students are in the advanced program where they will do fifty hours of education/awareness service at home this year.
STINGS AND INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS : Our operators typically have backgrounds as special operations or intelligence professionals or others with undercover experience and work with local law enforcement. Children are then taken to safe houses and professional after care facilities.
CHILD RESCUE TACTICAL TRAINING : Many law enforcement officers are unfamiliar or undereducated about the epidemic of human trafficking that is taking place within the United States. It is essential that our police force learn the steps to recognize, combat, investigate, and prosecute trafficking while enabling the victims of trafficking to receive the services that give them the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives again. As a leader in the fight against child exploitation, Child Rescue has partnered with some of the nation’s leading experts to educate law enforcement on the world of trafficking, which is easily mistaken for other criminal enterprises, and tragically overlooked. Child Rescue has therefore created national trainings for law enforcement to understand and effectively combat human trafficking within the United States.
In 2009, Child Rescue Association of North America was founded by husband and wife team, Stephanie and Jess Larsen. Stephanie belongs to a family plagued by this type exploitation for four generations until her mom, Lorrie, bravely took a stand and stopped the cycle of abuse.
Stephanie, one of Child Rescue’s Co-Founders, belongs to a family plagued by this type of exploitation for four generations until her mom, Lorrie, bravely took a stand and stopped the cycle of abuse. “Lorrie was trafficked as a child too. But unlike the generations before her, she broke the chain, making a better life for her daughter. As a result, Stephanie is the first woman in her family in the past 100 years not forced to sell her body as a child, and now she wants to protect other young women the way her mother protected her. ‘Girls are being purchased in our own neighborhoods, but no one sees them,’ she says. ‘As a society, we have got to open our eyes.’ She hopes her family drama, as raw and unforgiving as it is, will be a wake-up call for all of us.” - Glamour Magazine