You can give exploited children a childhood by funding rescue missions, aftercare programs, and prevention campaigns.

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Our aftercare orphanage strives to enable child trafficking victims to heal, recover, and develop a hopeful, healthy life. Our current facility has taken in as many survivors as possible - but many children are temporarily placed in the local jail by the government due to an inability to provide sufficient space. Our goal is to expand the orphanage to provide a safe and loving environment for double the number of children that we can currently care for.


If you want to get involved and invent your own fund raising event with friends, a church group or any other humanitarian group, please fill in the form below.  We appreciate all of your fund raising ideas and support, whether it be a bake sale, a 5k run or some other fun and fulfilling project you are eager to do.


Please consider aiding the support of these kids by helping us fund this project:


"Girls are being purchased in our own neighborhoods, but no one sees them.     As a society, we have got to open our eyes."

by Stephanie Larsen

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Our stations are run on teen-power. We charged to make a difference and raise awareness. We are running events, educating peers and adults, making partnerships, supporting law enforcement and aftercare, influencing laws and creating an environment of intolerance toward child sex trafficking. We broadcast a future in our backyard; where the suffering of the victims stops and all abusers are held accountable for their actions.

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