We're thrilled to announce the launch of Child Rescue Association's Art to the Rescue program. We're partnering with artists around the world to rescue kids from child sex trafficking and pornography rings and create a world that protects kids from being exploited in the first place.
Are you an artist? Want to help save kids?
We’re launching new Instagram, Pinterest, and other social campaigns and we urgently need graphic designers and digital illustrators who are motivated to help save kids from trafficking and pornography rings. Help us create art that will motivate others to take action in the fight against child exploitation. Your art can make a difference.
How will your art make a difference?
All applicants for the Child Rescue Artist Network that are accepted are guaranteed to reach a minimum of 3.6 million impressions of the works they create for the charity because we have partnered with social media and other influencers with extensive reach and engaged followers. These influencers have agreed to share your artwork on their platforms for maximum reach and impact. Change starts with awareness, and the best way to raise awareness in today’s visual world is through great design shared on social media. Awareness, in turn, brings donations that fund undercover rescue missions, youth prevention campaigns, law enforcement trainings, and other Child Rescue Association programs. The most popular designs will also be turned into posters, t-shirts, stickers, or other items we'll list in our shop for additional fundraising impact.
We’d love to put your talents to work for good. Just fill out the contact form below or shoot me an email with a link to your portfolio at to let me know if you'd like to help!
--Sarah Knight, Program Director
About ART to the Rescue
Are you looking for specific designs, or can I submit work that’s already finished?
Both! We need help with specific projects, and we would also love to use existing designs that are a good fit with our campaigns, brand, and message.
Do I need to be in Utah to join ART to the Rescue?
Nope! You can become an ART to the Rescue team member from anywhere in the world.
What if I am in Utah? Can I come work from Child Rescue’s headquarters?
Absolutely! We’d love to meet you in person, and we’re even organizing some ART to the Rescue design blitzes where we’ll meet in person, hammer out some great work, and fill your bellies with pizza and homemade treats (healthy and otherwise).
About Child Rescue Association of North America
What is Child Rescue Association?
Child Rescue Association of North America is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to eradicating the sexual exploitation of children, particularly exploitation through child pornography and child sex trafficking.
Is child sexual exploitation really happening in North America?
Sadly, yes. 100,000+ American-born children are being sexually exploited in America right now,[1] and 11-14 years old is the average age that children are first trafficked in America. But, as you probably know, it’s not just American kids who are being exploited. Did you know that 8,000+ foreign-born children are sold into the United States each year?[2] And the UN Children’s Fund estimates that 2 million children are being sexually exploited right now around the world.
Data Sources: [1] National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, [2] US State Department